TDLR's North Campus, 1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, Texas.
The framework for the information below was taken from the official agenda posted on the TDLR website. Some material not relating to the actual agenda items has been removed. Additional information such as copies of material handed out at the meeting, photos, times on the video archive, and comments have been added.
You can view the original agenda on the TDLR website at: |
Advisory Board on Barbering MeetingA G E N D A Monday, October 4, 2010 – 9:00 a.m. View the meeting with RealPlayer at
A. Call to Order Time: 00:10:48 B. Roll Call, Certification of Quorum and Introductions Time: 00:11:00 C. Approval of minutes – Meeting of July 21, 2010 Time: 00:11:28 D. Public Comment Time: 00:15:44
E. Nomination and vote for a vice-chair F. Nomination and vote for a vice-chair Time: 00:35:25 G. Staff Reports 1. Executive Office William Kuntz, Executive Director Time: 00:36:31
2. Compliance Division Margie Weaver Time: 00:58:00
3. Education and Examination Division Don Dudley Time: 1:00:57
4. Enforcement Division Chris Funderburg Time: 1:07:12
5. Licensing Division Time: 1:15:00
H. Work group report and discussion
It appeared that the board committees hadn't done a thorough examination of the rules. TDLR had no handouts of the findings of the four committees to pass out at the meeting. To date, the findings of the board committees haven't been posted on the TDLR website or distributed to the licensees via the list server e-mail system. Break Time: 02:10:00
J. Discussion regarding the rules review project to identify for repeal unnecessary and obsolete rules - Sanitation requirements K. Discussion regarding the rules review project to identify for repeal unnecessary and obsolete rules - Licensing and administration
L. Discussion regarding the rules review project to identify for repeal unnecessary and obsolete rules - Enforcement and penalty matrices M. Discussion and possible recommendation on proposed rule language amendment at 16 TAC §82.71 regarding dual shop advertisements and signage requirements Lynn Latombe Time: 02:53:15
Vote on agenda item M was delayed to allow staff more time to refine rule language. Additional Comments:
N. Recommendations for agenda items for next meeting Time: 3:22:48Question from Jennifer Grisham Time: 3:23:30TDLR Commission Chairman, Frank Denton, addressed the meeting Time: 3:24:20Paul Griffith, part owner of a new school in San Antonio spoke Time: 3:28:18O. Discussion of date, time, and location of next Board meeting P. Adjournment Time: 03:29:55NOTE: Public Comments and questions during the meeting are welcome. Public comments and questions should be restricted to the subject matter being considered at the time. |