Advisory Board on Barbering Meeting
Monday, July 12, 2010 – 9:00 a.m.
North Campus Building
1st Floor Public Meeting Room, Room 125E
1106 Clayton Lane
Austin, Texas
View the meeting with RealPlayer at http://real2.license.state.tx.us:554/ramgen/archive/barmeet/bar071210.rm?usehostname.
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The time on the video archive of each agenda item, speaker, etc. is noted so that anyone can listen to a particular part of the meeting without having to listen to all of it.
A. Call to Order Time: 00:19:21
B. Roll Call, Certification of Quorum and Introductions Time: 00:19:35
C. Training for Board Members Lynn Latombe Time: 00:20:45
1. Open Meetings Act
2. Public Information Act
3. Administrative Procedures Act
D. Approval of minutes – Meeting of April 26, 2010 Time: 00:36:45
Clarification of item on the minutes by Don Dudlley Time: 00:36:45
E. Public Comment Time: 00:40:30
Randy Ramon |
Time: 00:41:30 |
David King |
Time: 00:43:22 |
Charles Williams |
Time: 00:44:40 |
Thomas ?? |
Time: 00:50:55 |
Jane Owens |
Time: 00:51:55 |
Johnny Garcia |
Time: 00:52:21 |
Sylvestor Iwotor |
Time: 00:56:45 |
Ramero Cano, Jr. |
Time: 01:00:50 |
Joe Shirley |
Time: 01:04:25 |
Generosa Garcia |
Time: 01:08:08 |
Leroy Henderson |
Time: 01:09:44 |
F. Nomination and vote for a vice-chair Time: 01:12:00 vice-chair vote delayed
G. Staff Reports
1. Executive Office William Kuntz, Executive Director Time: 01:12:20
a. Recent Developments
The Strategic Plan is complete.
Earlier this year TDLR was instructed to reduce current expenditures by 5% and plan for the 5% reduction in the 2012 and 2013 budget years.
TDLR was also told to prepare a budget for an additional 5% cut and another budget for another 5%cut.
The worst case scenario, would result in a budget that was 15% below the 2009 level.
TDLR will explain the fallout of the different proposed budget cuts to the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance Committee.
TDLR is going to do everything possible to keep from reducing services and personnel. One of the cost cutting measures will be to reduce postage. There are 19,098 e-mail addresses on the website (List-Serve). TDLR plans to notify licensees of upcoming renewals first by e-mail then send the normal post card notice if response isn't received from the e-mail.
The inspection cycle will have to be extended to account for the resources available. Currently, the inspection cycle for barber shops is two years. TDLR doesn't yet know how far the current inspection cycle will be extended. | |
2. Compliance Division Margie Weaver Time: 01:12:20
a. Public Outreach
b. Statistics
c. Recent Developments
3. Education and Examination Division Don Dudley Time: 01:36:40
a. Examination Statistics
b. Education Statistics
c. Recent Developments
4. Enforcement Division Chris Funderburg Time: 01:45:44
a. Statistics
b. Recent Developments
5. Licensing Division Time: 01:50:44
a. Licensing Statistics
b. Recent Developments
Break Time: 01:54:40
H. Task force report and discussion Meeting Resumed Time: 02:17:12
1. Increasing the number of Barbers and proposed solutions
I. Discussion regarding the requirements for Barber Schools Don Dudley Time: 02:19:00
Barber School Handout Distributed at the Meeting Below
Public Comment on Barber School Changes
Charles Williams Time: 2:21:5
Sylvertor Iwotor Time: 2:24:22
Joe Shirley Time: 2:26:30
Jane Owens Time: 2:27:50
Johnny Garcia Time: 2:29:45
J. Discussion regarding the curriculum and eligibility requirements for a Barber teacher (instructor)
Barber Teacher Handout Distributed at the Meeting Below
K. Discussion regarding requirements for crossover licensing provisions Brian Francis Time: 03:02:08
Deputy Executive Director Brian Francis reported that TDLR had received a letter from Representative Menéndez that asked TDLR to explore ways to allow cosmetologists to shave.
Rep. Menéndez Letter in Adobe Acrobat Format (Rep. Menéndez Letter obtained via Request for Public Information.)
The current proposal put forward by the Barber Workgroup, composed of Linda Connor, and Jimmy Johnson is below. Mr. Franics mentioned that the department (TDLR) was in court defending shaving on the behalf of the barbers. Mr. Menéndez charged TDLR to look at ways of creating a bridge that would allow a licensed cosmetologist to attend a barber school take a short course on shaving, pass the written and practical tests, and get a class A barber license.
Cosmetology Crossover Handout Distributed at the Meeting Below
Public Comment on Cosmetology Crossover
Sylvertor Iwotor Time: 3:05:20
Charles Williams Time: 3:07:55
Leroy Henderson Time: 3:08:24
Jane Owens Time: 3:09:45
Mr. Kuntz comment. Time: 3:12:10
Joe Shirley Time: 3:12:42
Ramero Cano, Jr. Time: 3:13:50
L. Discussion regarding concept of intern/apprenticeship programs Brian Francis Time: 03:17:50
Barber Apprenticeship Handout distributed at the meeting.
Public Comment on Apprenticeship Program
Jane Owens Time: 3:22:40
Sylvertor Iwotor Time: 3:23:20
Johnny Garcia Time: 3:25:50
Joe Shirley Time: 3:26:53
Ramero Cano, Jr. Time: 3:28:12
Mr. Kuntz comment. Time: 3:12:10
M. Discussion of rule review project to identify for repeal any unnecessary and obsolete rules Brian Francis Time: 03:49:25
On May 11, 2010, TDLR Chairman Frank Denton wrote to TDLR Advisory Board Chairmen, "I am writing to request your help with an important project that the Commission is undertaking to streamline TDLR rules by eliminating unnecessary rule provisions". Click here to read Chairman Denton's letter.
N. Discussion and possible recommendation on proposed rule language amendment at 16 TAC §82.71 regarding dual shop advertisements and signage requirements Lynn Latombe Time: 3:54:20
Dual Shop Signage Handout distributed at the meeting.
O. Recommendations for agenda items for next meeting
P. Discussion of date, time, and location of next Board meeting
Q. Adjournment
NOTE: Public Comments and questions during the meeting are welcome. Public comments and questions should be restricted to the subject matter being considered at the time.
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